Another Week in Class 3...
April 30, 2021
Well, what a busy but exciting week in Class 3 or should I say Kite Hall, 1939...
Scene 2 has been our focus this week which has been all about 'The Vackies'. The children have been acting out the scene and have started to get a real understanding of what life would of been like as an evacuee and a child of WWII. This week the children have been focusing on letter writing and all the features needed for a letter. We used our 'thinking hats' to help create some questions and emotions around being an evacuee. Class 3 have really enjoyed the thinking hats and have produced some excellent, emotional evacuee letters which I cannot wait to display in the classroom! I have been really impressed this week with the concentration and effort going into our writing and our checking of the basics; spellings, sentence types is great to see the children beginning to notice and edit their own work independently. Keep it up Class 3!
We have been working hard in maths this week, still measuring but this week the focus has been on weight. The children have been collecting vocabulary for our 'Word Clouds' and have used practical apparatus to determine whether objects are heavier, lighter or balanced (equal) to one another as well as understanding how many grams go into 1 kg. The children have also been working really hard on their times tables and have shown this through weight, converting grams to kilograms and deciding how many of a certain weight we would need to make a kilogram. All great stuff Class 3 and I know many of you are enjoying TTRockstars so please keep this up as this will support your times tables up to 12 times.
Across the week, the children have done lots of work on Evacuation and have really enjoyed learning about the past and what it would of been like for children. They have made a suitcase filled with facts about evacuation which will be displayed on our wall. In Science, we have looked further into our forces looking at 'Friction', particularly the friction between a surface and movement which you will see in the photos below. In ART, Class 3 have just made miniature wooden WWII Spitfire models which they will be painting next week.
So, another incredibly busy but fun week in Class 3, can't wait to do it all again next week!
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